Icon as link in a Grid or Form

Hy there!

I am e new user of SC and i try to build an application where i want to use an icon as a link (in table view) to start a grid for entering specific data.

Something link the edit- or delete icon in the editable grid view.

Thanks and the best wishes for 2014!

Karl Heinz

If you have setup the link correctly you will get a pensil to do so. Other option is adding a custom field and apply an image in there. But I never did that as I like to stay as much as possible to the standard behaviour.

I don’t know if I understood exactly your question but you can also insert a new additional field as HTML Image type , upload an icon or choose it from that ones availables in SC and then make the link using sc_redirect .

hi giovannino,
i think you are right. this is what i want - i will try it - Thanks and all the best for 2014!

Karl Heinz

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