Im just getting question marks


i installed lampp with php 5.2.9 which contains the zend engine v2.2.0

PHP 5.2.9 (cli) (built: Mar 31 2009 23:21:47)
Copyright (c) 1997-2009 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Zend Technologies

then i put the package scriptcase-5.0.008-en_us in the htdocs-directory.

but all i am getting are questions marks like here

why is that?

thanks for your help,


Re: Im just getting question marks

You need to install Zend Optimizer:


Re: Im just getting question marks

Hello Scott,

thanks, that was very helpful. i got it installed now.

It doesnt save my licence-key :frowning: i guess its because of one of the following erros from the diagnostic:

Enviroment 2

    [li]ZendId execute Permission [/li] [li]ID:[/li]

ScriptCase Environment

    [li]ID:[/li] [li]Max Apl Date:[/li]

could you give me a hint, how to fix these errors?

thanks a lot,


Re: Im just getting question marks

I would say that you need to clean up your 2 Zend errors, then other 2 should follow. I would google the cause of the first 2. I would say it was a permission error. use chown/chmod to update your .SO file.


Re: Im just getting question marks

Hello Scott,

thanks for your answer… i allready changed the permissions for the .SO but it didnt help me.

it looks like this (ls):

930199 1.4M -rwxrwxrwx 1 wwwrun root 1.4M May 31 17:44

with root as owner it doesnt work either.

thanks for your help,


Re: Im just getting question marks

That should work. Mine is:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1745730 2009-08-19 07:29

Perhaps if you restart Apache/MySQL and or you PC?

Are you running on 32bit? What is your distro?


Re: Im just getting question marks

This might point you in the right direction:


Re: Im just getting question marks

hello scott,

thanks for the answer.

i restarted but doesnt work now… i am on 32bit with opensuse… i allready found the page you mentioned, but it says thats for 64 bit.

any other ideas?


Re: Im just getting question marks

I ran:

Your Zend Entries are almost the same except in the top section, you have a ‘Configure Command’ entry that is polluted with lampp entries. On of them has an entry of:

I would try and toggle this in your PHP.ini and see if it helps. (restart apache).

If this does not work, then I am at a loss.

I will say that I do not have the entire ‘Configure Command’ section at all. I am sure this LAMPP stuff. I used to use XAMPP/LAMPP but got tired of all the differences when going live.

I have since just started to install LAMP (not to be confused with LAMPP). It mirrors what most ISP’s have of using ‘/var/www’ instead of ‘/opt/lampp/htdocs’ and does not have all the extra baggage of LAMPP/XAMPP.


Re: Im just getting question marks

Also, Zend is picky on it’s PHP version. Perhaps a PHP upgrade may help.
