Image path ????


I have a field (image(File Name) that uploads images to the folder path (scriptcase8\file\img\Company_Logos).

This works well and I see the uploaded images in that folder.


I’m trying to load a company logo image into the header of pages based on the login credentials of the user.

I use the following code to retrieve the correct company logo image and it retrieves the right logo but displaying to the header always fails with a broken path???

In “Layout”, “Header & Footer” I have “NM_LOGOTIPO” set as “Image” with a value of “[myimage]”.

Can anyone shed some light on why this path is not working?

sc_lookup(dataset, “select company, image_path from tb_companies where companyID = ‘[usr_company]’ order by company” );
$result1 = {dataset[0][0]};
$result2 = {dataset[0][1]};

[myimage] = “…/…/…/file/img/Company_Logos/”.$result2;

#test to see if the image will display.
echo ‘<img src="data:image/png;base64,’ . base64_encode( [myimage] ) . ‘" />’;

[myimage] = “…/…/…/file/img/Company_Logos/”.$result2;

#test to see if the image will display.
echo ‘<img src="data:image/png;base64,’ . base64_encode( [myimage] ) . ‘" />’;

base64_encode does encode a string, not a file. You must read the file first.
Try this one instead

[myimage] = file_get_contents("…/…/…/file/img/Company_Logos/".$result2);

#test to see if the image will display.
echo ‘<img src="data:image/png;base64,’ . base64_encode( [myimage] ) . ‘" />’;


Awesome JSB!

That work perfectly!!!


Hello jsbinca,

I have also tried and it works with echo …
But what I have to insert in the scriptcase header line 1 with image? only the [myimage] variable does not work.

Thank you for your help