Image question

Hey all, I’m using a php weather library to get current info for my location. On a control app I call my get_weather function in the onload event and populate the 4 fields with data and display. 3 of them work fine. The 4th is actually a URL to an image file. Instead of displaying the image on the form it displays the actual URL. I have tried setting the field type to different things to get it to show the actual icon instead of the url but can’t seem to get it to work. Anyone have any idea on how to make it actually show the image on the form? Thanks.


Re: Image question

set as readonly or label …
and try to work with html.

{field_img} = “<img src=‘URL_TO_THE_IMAGE’ border=‘0’>”;

Re: Image question

Thanks Diogo, that worked. However, it centers the icon on my form (this is a control app). Is there a way to force it to left align the image?


Re: Image question

For this you can use the css of the field.

Re: Image question

Ok, I tried that and it didnt work. :confused: I’ll try again and see what I can figure out.
