Image upload not working in v7 for both file and blob field.

I created the photo album, the image file is saving into the database blob field, its working fine on development server, but its not working on the windows server for production, I even review the photo-album sample application, and created exact the same application, but on production server im getting problem.

I’m using SC-v7
Development Server Windows Vista
Production Server Windows 2008

Kindly help, I’m stuck now more than 6 months.
thanks in advance…


Have you tried to deploy the project on your development environment? Does the issue happens?

Also, which RDBMS are you working with?

Bernhard Bernsmann

I have same problem more 8 months ago and upload images SC do not works for production. I am waiting if SC team fix, but when wil be this day?

I tried with images upload to directory to server and it did not worked.!
after i tried with upload images with fields blob with new version SC7 and same problem!

I have DBMS MYSQL, SC 7.!!

Please SC team your help for our project is very important, i think is the moment for fix all issues reported.

C’mon mr. Bartho,

The uploader does not work. That can’t be a supprise after all those messages of the latest day/week. There are errors in generating code for deployment as stated by ‘RR’ is earlier posts. That besides other issues.

I think that the devs should be on this problem with high priority by now. They simply need to!

I have same problem more 8 months ago and upload images SC do not works for production. I am waiting if SC team fix, but when wil be this day?

I tried with images upload to directory to server and it did not worked.!
after i tried with upload images with fields blob with new version SC7 and same problem!

I have DBMS MYSQL, SC 7.!!

Please SC team your help for our project is very important, i think is the moment for fix all issues reported.

I’m facing exact same issue,

Production Environment:
Windows Server 2008
XAMPP Web Server

please please solve this issue…

Hello guys,

I’m collecting as much information on the issue as possible.

Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Serious? I hate to admit, but this is annoying me very much. They (the devs) have all the info they need. Or are you telling me that they can’t replicate? IMHO they forgot to test it.

Image upload not working in v7 with php 5.4 for file field - an the work-arround


When we upload an image with file-field, the image was uploaded in tmp-directory, but not transferred in image-directory. Result: The image can’t be displayed.

On the local system (WAMP with PHP 5.3) it works.

Environment of the production-server: PHP 5.4 on 1and1-Hosting-Provider

Work-Arround (solution?):

The problem lies in the lack of time zone definition!

We have changed the third-party-Modul “?\scriptcase7\devel\lib hird\blueimp\index.php”

Now, we call the “date_default_timezone_set”-function ? after the “error_reporting-call”.

for example:
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
date_default_timezone_set(‘Europe/Berlin’); <-------

This index.php is a template for the scriptcase-generation. And now scriptcase generate the code with this date_default_timezone_set-call.


I do not know if this solution applies generally. For us, this work-arround works and we will also sent this work-arround to SCRIPTCASE.

Hi, i tried and woks very fine. i have my hosting in internet with linux.

i did you posted and is correct. Work fine!!
Thanks you a lot.

My time zone is America/Bogota

but this problem still showing with Windows Server 2008, php v5.2 with xampp server.

Perfect i was looking for this solution. It works!


Tag: “Upload no funciona, problema con upload, como configurar upload, configuraci?n upload”