Implementing Master/Detail example

Where can I find any information on how thos example is implemented. On NetMake website there is only RUN button, but I cannot see any info on how to create a project like this


This link is going nowhere…

I’m referring to “Grid Master / Detail on 3 levels” example on NM website. It is the one before the last one in a GRID example section.


Yes, the link is somehow working now. You want to know how to make an imagein the grid and link that to a detail? I haven’t tried, but i think you can put the image as an extra field and apply a link to it.

It would be god if you read posts more carefully. You answer is irrelevant
I asked where can I get a full working project of this example Apps or where can I find a documentation on how to implement the whole thing (you talking about icons on the grid).

Thanks - Arthur

Sorry… I was trying to find the question behind it so I could answer to that.