Import CSV File Data through a button


I want to be able to click a button and insert the contents of the csv file in a db table. Is there a way to do this in a bulk insert? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Make a Control application with 2 fields:
File(Document)-> call it file1.
Label ->call it message
Put this on the On Validate Event
Change the code below to match your Table and CSV.

sc_error_message(“You need to upload a file!”);
$now = date(“Y-m-d g:i a”);
//lets clear out our temp table
$sql=" DELETE FROM temp_players_list WHERE clubid = ‘$clubid’ ";
// Clean field message used for feedback
{message} = ‘’;
//set session var
$now = date(“Y-m-d g:i a”);
if($clubid >=1)
// Starts array of File
$arr_file = array();
// Address Directory’s uploader of Application
$path = $this->Ini->path_doc;
// Absolute path of the file
$file = $path . ‘/’ . {file};
$handle = fopen($file, ‘r’);
//{message} .= $file;
// auto detect line endings
ini_set(“auto_detect_line_endings”, true);
$arr_file = file($file);
// handle each line of the CSV
$arr_line = fgetcsv($handle);
// skip this line if header row
$skip_line = false;
// check to see if this is a header row
if($arr_line[1] == “First Name”)
$skip_line = true;
if($arr_line[1] == “Last Name”)
$skip_line = true;
$skip_line = true;

	$ul_session = [ul_session];
	if($skip_line == false) 
		$sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO temp_players_list(clubid,player_first_name,player_last_name,player_email,player_phone,player_rating1,player_rating2,ul_session) VALUES ('";
		$sql .= $clubid . "', '"; 
	    $sql .= trim(addslashes($arr_line[0])) . "', '";//first
		$sql .= trim(addslashes($arr_line[1])) . "', '";//last
		$sql .= trim(addslashes($arr_line[2])) . "', '";//email
		$sql .= trim(addslashes($arr_line[3])) . "', '";//phone
		$sql .= trim(addslashes($arr_line[4])) . "', '";//rating1
	    $sql .= trim(addslashes($arr_line[5])) . "', '";//rating2
		$sql .= $ul_session . "')";
		}     }	}
else {	// not a file
	{message} .= " That is not CSV file!";}
else  { echo "YOU GOT LOGGED OUT!";  }