Many times i try to import excel sheet to table in db(mysql or MSSQL …) but no way to solve this problem ,
after that i read all subject and videos in YouTube and try examples attached in YouTube .
the result was the same.
first example i tried, it gets me this error:Scriptcase - Como Importar arquivos Excel XLS
the second example , it gets error message htat : file type is invalid
can you help me please?
I have done it with a .csv file.
{file} is the File Uploader Component.
This code is onValidate.
sc_error_message(“You need to upload a file!”);
// Clean field message used for feedback
{message} = ‘’;
//set session var
$now = date(“Y-m-d g:i a”);
if( $file1 <>"")
// Starts array of File
$arr_file = array();
// Address Directory’s uploader of Application
$path = $this->Ini->path_doc;
// Absolute path of the file
$file = $path . ‘/’ . {file};
$handle = fopen($file, ‘r’);
//{message} .= $file;
// auto detect line endings
ini_set(“auto_detect_line_endings”, true);
$arr_file = file($file);
// handle each line of the CSV
$arr_line = fgetcsv($handle);
// skip this line if header row
$skip_line = false;
// check to see if this is a header row
if($arr_line[1] == "Code")
$skip_line = true;
if($arr_line[1] == "Display Text")
$skip_line = true;
$skip_line = true;
if($skip_line == false)
$sql = "INSERT INTO temp_accomms(acc_abbrev,acc_name,
acc_type,insby,inson) VALUES ('";
$sql .= trim(addslashes($arr_line[0])) . "', '";//code
$sql .= trim(addslashes($arr_line[1])) . "', '";//display
$sql .= trim(addslashes($arr_line[2])) . "', '";//subjects
$sql .= trim(addslashes($arr_line[3])) . "', '";//reasons
$sql .= trim(addslashes($arr_line[4])) . "', '";//grades
$sql .= $school . "', '";
$sql .= trim(addslashes($arr_line[5])) . "', '";//type
$sql .= $user . "', '";
$sql .= $now . "')";//type
// echo"$sql<br>";
// not a file
{message} .= " That is not CSV file!";
}//end if Tid >0
echo “TRY AGAIN”;
Thank you very much, this is a great solution that might help me solve my problem
I am very glad you answered my question and will try this solution.
I tried this great solution and it works very well.
But what about the update in the case of duplicate the primary key, so that if it does not find a duplicate, the program will add a new record, and if there is a duplicate, it will be replaced by the modification / update with the same base number
Use this:
INSERT INTO table (column_list)
VALUES (value_list)
c1 = v1,
c2 = v2,
Many thanks for response
But I face this error:
and this is the new code for updating if there is a duplicate unique value
Your variable top is $Enviar_email
Bottom is $Enviar_emai
Just a typing error on your part.
Ohhh … My God
You Are right
It working very good, But without updating, Just add mew rows.
Thanks in advance
Can someone create a video in English, Please