import of own language file

For me, it would be a good idea, if it would be possible to import an own language file to a project.
I have a customer where i?m doing several projects.
At the moment i have a blank project where i put all language data in.
When i create a new project, i copy my blank project to have all language variables in the new one. But when i add a new varaiabel in that project, i have to open also my blank project to keep it up to date.
Would be very good for me, when i could import and export my own language file so it would be easier to keep it up to date !

Nice Idea! You can use the repository to some extend, but it’s not quite user friendly. In addition to this suggestion I would like to see a database table to be exported and not have all the translations in a php file.

Yes Albert, DB table would be the best. So you could create your own language, make a form for the users, let them choose the language and so they could do the translation for their own !


I have just sent your suggestion to our team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

gets a BIG plus one from me, db table would be the best solution, then could make a special area for translators to login and update the language keys, would be soooo great!

alternative would be an option to export the language file to excel…

For sure is a pain, my first project with scriptcase has 4 languages required and of course i am having to copy past all keys and language values into an excel sheet and back again, which is a major pain in my rear!

this sure needs a better solution than the current provided!

Bartho can you please find out what has been done regarding this enhancement? It would be great if this is in V8 but I have my doubts.

I will contact our team and let you know if this suggestion will be implemented with V8 release.


And the answer is?


It won’t be implemented with V8 first release.

You can check the new features here:

Bernhard Bernsmann

Hi Bernhard

I was not really expecting it to be in V8. Is it likely to be implemented at all? Can you please find out? If so, is there a release that it is planned for?