Importing WORD document from my computer

Hi! I have a problem. I need to import word document(*.doc) from my computer and download it on server. Also I need to show content of this file in my app. Is it possible, and if it is, how can I do it?

P.S. Excuse me for my English. I hope that I wrote all clear.

In fact you need to configure a field as uploadfile. Then you can upload the word document to a location of choice. IN a grid you can set similar datatype to allow people to click on a link and download the file. Depending on the configuration of the end-user the file will open in word, will open in word as a browser container or download and save. That’s out of your control. But in general, just a matter of setting the right fieldtypes.

Thank You!


Do you know if the single file upload and download should work? I’ve read a post from you and John from last month where he said the developers were working on fixing a multi file upload issue. But I still have issues downloading a single file. It downloads corrupted.

I’m new to SC and loving it thus far. Just need the important things to work of course. :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance for your input Albert!


yes the single upload and download works. But not without issues if you use strange characters, i.e. characters above #128. But SC made some fixes. I don’t have issues with corrupted files. What happens is that if you upload a file, you cannot directly click on it as it is still in the temp directory. Clicking ok will actually move the file from temp to the destination. Then you can download the file. It’s not actually a SC issue, but a php issue. php requires the two step approach.

I use the upload to upload a csv and process it. It goes in two steps: first you select file and wait for the file to be uploaded. Then the file is diplayed by name. Then you click ok and the file becomes vieable (hyperlink). Then you can process the file otherwise you get a filenotfound error.

Thanks Albert! Much appreciated.