In the past when SC6 went to SC7 and then to SC7.1 we have never really seen any bugfixes on a previous version.
Since 7.1 was imho the best version (read most bug less) I wonder if this version will also get it’s bugs fixed. This should not take that much time.
This way less people will complain and the fixes can be transferred to sc8 too (since most sc7.1 bugs are also in sc8).
So can someone from sc please comment on this??
When comming out a new version, SC is never fixing bugs in older versions … that’s at least since version 5.x so.
That’s regular habit to many companies unfortunately.
Hence we go from a somewhat bugged sc6 to a more bugged sc7 to a somewhat bugged sc7.1 to an apparent very bugged sc8 … hmmm this looks like a pattern… If only they once become near bug less…
Thats scriptcase … Don’t cry and use it oder leave it …