Include Appication in a Blank Application

Is there any way to include a blank application into another blank application?
I’ve was trying [SIZE=16px]<?php include ‘navbar.php’;?> [/SIZE] and the app is included, but several errors appears, errors about sesion already started, and libraries not founded.

I’m trying to insert a navigation bar in several blank applications.

Anybody can help me with this?

Thanks in advance.

scriptcase app are not ready to “mix” with others. you can try using iframes

Can’t you put navbar.php in a library and use that library in the several blank apps?

I’m trying to include another blank app from my project. I mean, I have two blank apps, and I want to include blank application A in Blank Application B.

Also, i’ve trying puting the navbar.php code in a library but it does not work because scriptcase automatically include PHP tags at start and at the end, so, it beaks all.

I’m stucked…

Including other blank could be a problem, but no lt an external or internal lib. Paste how are you including and it

Thanks for the help.

This is my script in my project libraries (just a simple php echo) The name of this library is (test.php)

echo “Hello world!<br>”;

And this is my code to include the library in my blank app:


The result is a blank page.

Captura de pantalla 2016-03-14 a las 14.20.57.png

Captura de pantalla 2016-03-14 a las 14.20.34.png

First, you are cakking a function. You have to write your echo inside:
Function test(){ echo “Sponge bob”; }

Now, in your blank, you have two ways, it depends if it’s external or internal lib.
Internal: Mark it on internal libraries under programmin menu of the blank app, and it’s done.
External: You have to include your external library with:
Sc_include_library(, , …

Sorry for formatting, I’m from mobile

Thanks for the help!

I’m on SCv7 so, I just call the library with test();

It works.
Thanks again!