Increment automatic of zeros in field numeric

Hi, i have a problem with a form grid, i have a field type currency numeric . I enter a value to 1 and press enter for go to other field. But if i retrun to field press ENTER (no tab), it changes the value to 100 and if i do the same process, it changes the value to 10000,.
Everytime that i enter to field pressiing ENTER, its increment two zeros.

attach filed.

autoincrement zeros.jpg


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

ok thank you.

Hi, this bug was reported some time and still is SC 7.02.

if i have a field type numeric decimal, and i edit this field and modify the value, this multiply by 100- I think that is is an bug is URGENT and do not have altern solution and cause errors to users.

Please SC Team. some bugs are urgents and must be fixed soon.

Hello Mr. Alvagar,

I will contact our bugs team regarding the issue.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Hi, i reported this bug 16 months ago, but still not was fixed for SC team.

Hi, i have a problem with a form grid, i have a field type currency numeric . I enter a value to 1 and press enter for go to other field. But if i retrun to field press ENTER (no tab), it changes the value to 100 and if i do the same process, it changes the value to 10000,.
Everytime that i enter to field pressiing ENTER, its increment two zeros.

Could you check this on a different browser? I guess that you use IE in this case. IE fetches its number settings (. or ,) from the os. The webserver may think differently on the setting.


I will contact our bugs team asking for the current bug status.

Bernhard Bernsmann

I tested with Chrome, Safary, Mozilla and they show me the same problem. My seprator is point (.) and Comma(,) 1.00,25
the field es decimal and with currency works same.

If you edit a field type (currency or decimal) with two decimals and press key arrow right or left, SC chanhes the value with other zero.