Increment version and all fields resets

When I increment version (Project => Increment Version) all fields resets.

All “Checkbox” fields reset to “Text” automaticaly. Then I need to reclick all these fields again. It stores all other changes, but I need to click every “text” field to “checkbox” again.

How to avoid it?



I wasn’t able to reproduce the issue. Which SC version are you working with?

Bernhard Bernsmann

With the lastest one.
I am using Windows and Chrome.

Is it possible because I am using Dictionary also?

I will see what happened again next time. It will be within 3 weeks when I will increment version again.


Thanks for your feedback. I will try to reproduce the issue again, by adding some variables such as creating a data dictionary.

Also let me know if you have any news.


Hello guys

This problem is already with development team and will be resolved soon.

Thank you.

Scriptcase Team.


If they are planning to make versioning useful, then they need to also save the global scripts (Programming->PHP) of type “Project” when incrementing version of a project.



If they are planning to make versioning useful, then they need to also save the global scripts (Programming->PHP) of type “Project” when incrementing version of a project.


What’s that? I do use Programming -> PHP. What happened when increment version?

When you increment version, it is very nice to look at previous versions of your code. This can be done by clicking button in the version history. When you look at the archived versions however, you see the current versions of your global libraries, not the version at the time of the version increment. Consequently, if you have modified the project’s global scripts, you cannot roll back to a previous version and build it as it existed at release time.

Versioning would be a very useful and powerful feature, if it worked as one reasonably expected.


Good afternoon.

Dave, you refer to the libraries, right.

Currently you can to save the libraries for all users, users of project and only you.
So it, not is included in the increment of project.

I will forward to suggestion team, and this possibility will be examined.


?lvaro Moura.
Netmake team.


Yes, it is very simple concept. If I increment version of a project, then the libraries of type “project” should be saved at that point.
Also, HTML Templates of type “project” should be saved.

We should be able to revert back to a saved version and rebuild and get identical deployment to the original.
