Inlclude FPDF library


I am trying to use the FPDF library in order to make a custom export.
I have downloaded the last version of FPDF here :
I have uploaded the fpdf.php library file into the scriptcase library in public directory.
I have checked the fpdf.php library file in my blank application in Programming -> Libraries.

Here is my hello world code

$pdf = new FPDF();
$pdf->Cell(40,10,'Hello World !');

When I run it, I have an error saying this:

include(courierb.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

include(): Failed opening 'courierb.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/nm/v6/zend/share/ZendFramework/library:/opt/nm/v6/zend/share/pear')
FPDF error: Could not include font definition file

I have try with different fonts and it is always the same.
There is a font directory provided by FPDF but I can’t upload the directory in scriptcase library. I tried to upload the font file ‘courierb.php’ in the scriptcase library environment but it is the same.

I know that some guys have this working, but I don’t find anything on the forum that is explaining how to set FPDF on a blank app.

Copy the font directory from wwwroot->scriptcase->prod->third->fpdf to your blank application folder.

Converting data into a PDF document, in P hp, is NOT simple at all…
Have a look at and click on the “report” tab. (Sorry for the look: the new “coder” made a bit of a mess of a perfect design)
The report uses data in database to create the document, including the building of the graph and the diploma picture.