Insert without duplicates errors

When inserting data into the table, the code stops working because there are similar data to the data that will be entered
How can I implementation of code insertion on the empty data and ignore inserted before …
and how ignore the message appears repetition
note: I placed restrictions to prevent duplicate data

How to avoid stop working the code , and show another error message

$vDeducted_StartDate = [vDeducted_StartDate];
$vDeducted_EndDate = [vDeducted_EndDate];

if(count([selected]) > 0)
$to_copy = implode(’,’,[selected]); //"(".implode(’,’,[selected]).")"; Deducted_StartDate, Deducted_EndDate = curdate(), last_day(curdate()),
//$sql = “INSERT INTO Food_BonDeduction (EmployeeNo, Deducted, Deducted_StartDate, Deducted_EndDate, Accommodat_Emp_IDF) SELECT EmployeeNo, ‘نعم’,curdate(), last_day(curdate()), Accommodat_Emp_ID FROM view_newaccommodates WHERE EmployeeNo =’$to_copy’”;
$sql = “INSERT INTO Food_BonDeduction (EmployeeNo, Deducted, Deducted_StartDate, Deducted_EndDate, Accommodat_Emp_IDF) SELECT EmployeeNo, ‘نعم’, ‘$vDeducted_StartDate’, ‘$vDeducted_EndDate’, Accommodat_Emp_ID FROM emp_accommodate WHERE EmployeeNo =’$to_copy’”;
[selected] = array();

Application->Messages ?

you use in your clause Insert IGNORE like this:

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Thanks for your response
I will try tomorrow

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Is there a way in make a loop to insert dates from start date to end date one time