Inserting Data into Joomla

I’m busy testing out Scriptcase and still learning my way around. I am also looking at changing my website from Wordpress to Joomla as I want to use a tabular format.

I am trying to design my site using a database layout and am not sure if this is possible using scriptcase or if I have to use some php script extension to join existing databases to accomplish this.

I created a table layout on that I would like to use in a database setup that will update automatically with the database instead of have to manually add new table rows and information.

Your post is a bit unclear of what you expect to do. As far as using Joomla with SC I have several Apps that do it and it all works fine. Integrating USERS isa bit complex but can be done as well using jFUSION. Create you project connect to J database using connection tool in SC and import your tables wit hDictionary. After that you can work as with any other database.


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