Install on Ubuntu 8.04 64bit

Hi, I am trying to test SC5 on my Dell PE server with Ubuntu 8.04 64bit. The install seems OK but if I try to create a sample application when I try to run it, I got the following answer from the server :
?ScriptCase : Cannot identify the Server. Try again, if the problem persists, contact NetMake"
Anyone has the same problem ?

I haven’t installed any of there packages that seems necessaty for 64bit processors ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk ia32-libs-sdl, could be this the reason ?

Re: Install on Ubuntu 8.04 64bit

I have it installed on my Ubuntu 64 bit with no problem. Did you follow the install directions verbatim?

You could install the libs you mentioned and see if it helps.


Re: Install on Ubuntu 8.04 64bit

Looks like a zendid problema trying to identify the server.

Look at scriptcase5\devel\lib hird\zend and rename the binary accroding to your system.

Check if is returning everything ok opening the Diagnosis.