Install script doesn't work / Linux

Under Linux (Fedora)

  1. Zend Optimizer installed,
  2. full path added in php.ini for Zend .so file
  3. Apache restarted
    Still ScriptCase’s install.php says that Zend hasn’t been installed.

Re: Install script doesn’t work / Linux

check zend optimizer version matching your OS
check right access also its directory
Location of entry at php.ini should be right

Not work, dump the phpinfo()

Re: Install script doesn’t work / Linux

I noticed that running php -v gives Permission denied for relocation of Zend .so file (which has 755, root, root).

I tried to move the to different places (e.g. /usr/lib/php…) with appropriate configuration changes nut nothing helped. The same or other errors occurred.

Re: Install script doesn’t work / Linux

Generate diagnosis html file acessing scriptcase/diagnosis.php and place it here.

Vitor Jamil