Under Linux (Fedora)
- Zend Optimizer installed,
- full path added in php.ini for Zend .so file
- Apache restarted
Still ScriptCase’s install.php says that Zend hasn’t been installed.
Under Linux (Fedora)
Re: Install script doesn’t work / Linux
check zend optimizer version matching your OS
check ZendOptimized.so right access also its directory
Location of entry at php.ini should be right
Not work, dump the phpinfo()
Re: Install script doesn’t work / Linux
I noticed that running php -v gives Permission denied for relocation of Zend .so file (which has 755, root, root).
I tried to move the ZendOptimizer.so to different places (e.g. /usr/lib/php…) with appropriate configuration changes nut nothing helped. The same or other errors occurred.
Re: Install script doesn’t work / Linux
Generate diagnosis html file acessing scriptcase/diagnosis.php and place it here.
Vitor Jamil