Installation issue Scriptcase 8.1 on Debian Jessie

I am pretty new to scriptcase.
I need to run the manual installation of scriptcase 8.1 on Debian Jessie machine, called server.
I followed the web manual (by the way, php5-pear package does not exist, it is named php-pear, without the 5 …)

I was able to install php modules and zend loader.
Via browser I did run diagnosis at http://server/scriptcase/diagnosis.php and and it showed me fine.

I am able as well to see the web manual ad address

But, when I try to run installation , at the address http://server/scriptcase

it redirects me to http://server/scriptcase/devel/iface/login.php , with error message.
“The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.”

I guess I need to setup some permission into apache2 .
Anyone can help me ?

Thanks in advance

Guess it is related to ZendGuard not working
My diagnosis.php reports fine.
However, this is the section in the php.ini

#tail /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini


I downloaded the x64 version of and chmod it to 777
#file /usr/lib/php5/Zend/
/usr/lib/php5/Zend/ ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped


Solved by disabling the Zend opcache , thanks to Italo Bezerra of netmake support. Very useful.

Hi, have the same problem. But without opcache apache is damn slowly, you can’t work. The problem seems only to exist under php 5.6
Any suggestions?
