Integration Stripe BUG!

I had to give up the integration with paypal because I have a BUG with open ticket for 3 years!
So I decided to follow the video and download the example of STRIPE integration, but it seems to me that, as always, the works are only half done.

in practice, if the payment is successful everything works perfectly, but in the event of an error (card error, card expired, etc.) nothing is managed, can anyone give me a suggestion?

here is the error if the card has expired, how can I intercept it and avoid going out to the error page?

Fatal error: Uncaught (Status 402) (Request req_dTKtN2311gADHA) Your card’s expiration year is invalid. thrown in C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php81\wwwroot\scriptcase\prod\third\stripe\stripe\stripe-php\lib\Exception\ApiErrorException.php on line 38

it’s ridiculous an example must be complete otherwise what is it for??

Jamie Oates If you read this post could you contact me privately?

thanks so much!

Hi marcosc, have you had any feedback from Jamie Oates? Need to decide if I use Scriptcase for an upcoming project involving Stripe, or not. Thanks in advance for your help with this.

no, it didn’t answer me and I didn’t get any solutions from SC support, so I opted to integrate the Strip libraries directly into SC and everything works correctly