Intergration with Stripe

Hi all

Have just started using scriptcase and must say am very impressed at this time (though on a huge leaning curve).

I have noticed that you have built ability for applications using OAuth methods to connect to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and PayPal.

Are you also looking at the ability to extend this to include

From Stripe’s website I see that they have developed a series of API’s that potentially could be used for the purpose. Ref:

As this is the preferred payment option where I work it would be great to have this integrated into Scriptcase additionally it is based from a merchant perspective as opposed to a customer perspective as with the case with PayPal.

Much appreciate you considering this possibility.


I would not count on it. You are better off integrating this on your own.
They have a barebones implementation of the Paypal gateway which leaves a lot to be desired. Instead of opening up all the functionality of the third party api, they close it down to a few functions. Not sure it makes a lot of sense.

Thanks Kendsouza - one can but ask. Will have to wait till I get a little further down the track I’m afraid - knowledge lacking at this stage :frowning:

You can always outsource this part if you are not sure how to do it. Or if you have a lot of time, be asking in this forum and we will try to help you get it done.

I would not count on it. You are better off integrating this on your own.
They have a barebones implementation of the Paypal gateway which leaves a lot to be desired. Instead of opening up all the functionality of the third party api, they close it down to a few functions. Not sure it makes a lot of sense.

Don’t know. I think I answered you in some post. In my case, I don’t use Paypal integration, and probably never will do it. I prefer to do it myself and make sure what are I’m doing. Others users, maybe, is enough with actual funcionality.
Did you tried to ask to or in some webinar?