Internal Library not accepting Macros.

Hi Friends,

Have been working on a project and all of a sudden the macros within the internal library stopped working.
eg sc_date_dif_2()
function mysortAge($setage)

  • This macro calculates the difference between two dates returning the amount of days, months and years.
    $myage = sc_date_dif_2($setage, “yyyy-mm-dd”, date(‘m-d-Y’), “mm/dd/yyyy”, 2);
    return $age = $myage[2]."yrs ";

I have created a new project with one grid, added a new field {myage} and called the function as follows:
{myage} = mysortage({DOB});

Yes - I have linked the internal file via the Programming->Internal Libraries

{DOB} is within the database table.

Running the application produces the same error.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function sc_date_dif_2() in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v81\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\project1\grid_sc_publisher\sc_jwm_function_library.php on line 21

Is anyone else having such an issue?
