Just installed v8 today. I have 6 projects, and was able to convert all but one. The ones that succeeded have less than 50 apps.
However, I have a much larger project, and the most important one that has 466 apps. When trying to convert that project I keep getting Internal Server Error.
I am installing the program in my virtual machine running on Windows 7 Pro. I increased the memory size from 2 to 4 GB. I have increased the memory_limit in php.ini to 2048.
Here are the two logs from the Apache error log.
[Fri Nov 28 16:52:02.219726 2014] [fcgid:warn] [pid 1604:tid 772] (OS 109)The pipe has been ended. : [client] mod_fcgid: get overlap result error, referer:
[Fri Nov 28 16:52:02.219726 2014] [core:error] [pid 1604:tid 772] [client] End of script output before headers: conv_arqs.php, referer:
I ran the internal Diagnostics in Scriptcase and everything looks normal.
What may I have missed?