Internet Explorer Word Wrap in Form Textarea not working

I just found out that none of text areas in my forms are wrapping text when typing in. This only affects Internet Explorer. Firefox and others work fine.

I found this that explains the issue with white-space:nowrap with a solution, but do not know how I would implement this.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue and is there a way to fix it?

Thank you.

hi rickallen, i see there is a solution in your posted link!


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann


I have the same problem. In which .css file must the solution from #2 (“textarea { white-space: pre-wrap; }”) be added? I am use “Scriptcase7_BlueSky”.


I have the same problem. In which .css file must the solution from #2 (“textarea { white-space: pre-wrap; }”) be added? I am use “Scriptcase7_BlueSky”.[/QUOTE]

Hello Reinhard,

I believe our support team could assist you better with this question.

Could you contact our support team as a trial user (as this is possibly a SC bug)?

Bernhard Bernsmann

I believe our support team could assist you better with this question???
