is inhibited

I wonder if anyone is following happens:
example clicks on save and stays there doing something and fails, yes saves but if I leave one hour stays there.
No matter if it is a form, grid, control, etc., this is happening to me when I save, when loading the form, generally at any time.

Quisiera saber si a alguien le pasa lo siguiente :
ejemplo da un clic en guardar y se queda haciendo algo y de all? no pasa, s? lo guarda pero si lo dejo 1 hora ah? se queda.
No importa si es un form, grid, control, etc., esto me est? pasando cuando guardo, al cargar el form , en general en cualquier


No, me pasa aqui trabaja bien cuando se guarda


This issue may be related to your environment.

Are you using linux? Windows?

How have you installed SC?

For how long has this issue been happening?

Bernhard Bernsmann

  1. I am using windows
  2. with the procedure stipulated yourselves, now, Iam a user from SC4
  3. started to happen at the end of last week, after the last update


Refering to question 2), have you used our automatic installer?

Bernhard Bernsmann

automatic Installation

Dear Bernhard, I keep waiting on the subject because I can not do anything, can not progress, because for everything I do stays processed.

Please any ideas, I’m stuck to the point that if I make a new application gives me the same effect; I can not even do that

the problem occurs again, could even say that extreme, in the fields


I’m verifying the issue with our support team.

I also recommend you to open a ticket/chat with our support.

Bernhard Bernsmann