The best is to play with the trial.
I have to develop a professional web system on management and control.
Great, SC is perfect for this.
I caught a lot of attention this famous scripcase, I see it easy, fast, simple.
Can you export the codes ?,
Yes and no. Projects are stored in SC database, and when you generate, the PHP pages/code are created.
Yes as you get a PHP project you can deploy many times as you wish, no if your intention is to modify it outside SC, read later…
How long does the script purchase license ?,
When you buy a license, include a 1 year of upgrades. Licenses are permanent, after this year, if you don’t extend/renew, you can keep using your SC license but you can’t update with patches.
Is it free to develop ?,
Not sure if I understand. You buy your license and is yours. There aren’t charges for deploy if this is what you mean. You can generate your projects and deploy as many times as you want.
ie Scriptcase limits a lot on developments ?, Can I program free ?.
What do you mean with limits a lot on developments?
You can develop free, if you have bought the license.
To export the codes, can I modify the codes from a code editor (Sublime, Notepad ++) Or Is the scriptcase limited to modifying the codes or projects?
Scriptcase don’t limits you to modify the generated code, but is so “criptic” and a pain to modify outside the IDE.
It works the system after exporting the project or codes and include the designs and functionalities the scriptcase?
Not sure what you ask here. Once you generate the deployment of your project, your project is as you deisgned, and you can deploy all the times you want.
It’s necessary support in case we need to do changes can’t doing with scriptcase?
Best support is this forums, but I will not tell you to not get support, because there are things in forums we can’t solve. For example, I had a problem with my server some days ago, and support restored my SC instance without loosing anything. If you get some kind of problem with exports and backups, they know how the structure of their files works and can help you. Said that, there are others forum members don’t buy support because here there are good people that helps you for free in his spare time. Again, said that, if you buy the license through an authorised reseller, you get 3 months for free. You can try, and if you like it, extend support later.
Tell me your experiences of developing the scripcase. What advice can you give me?
Sorry but this is too long to write
Here you will read bad experiences, neutral experiences, and good experiences.
There are differente profiles of SC users.
Some buy and use SC for simple things (a grid to extract some data from a table and so on…). Here, usually, not too much problems can find. All works as expected. Uusally, not developers.
Then, there are users who use SC more extensively and demands more on features. Mainly, intranet apps, or apps to complement some other in-company software.
And then, there are power users where his development is mainly done with SC. ERP, healthcare, and so on…
Mainly, bad experiences are related to some bugs and/or problems, and lesser (but happens too), related just because unknowledge of how to use SC. There are a lot of posts in BUGs subforum, that aren’t bugs at all (there are bugs too of course), but don’t know how to use SC. All depends of each one. I’m developing with SC since some time ago. Is not a perfect tool, and has bugs, obviously, but is the best in his market IMHO. Just, if I found some problem, just look for a workaround until is fixed (if fixed).
About Netmake (company behind SC), well, you can read a lot here in forums. Communication with them in forums is inexistent. Usually they focus more on features or things to sell licenses, instead on fixing some things. This don’t means SC don’t works, but well, I think you understood me.
My advices are:
- Test. Install trial, you get 20 free days to test, and if you need more you can ask for it to Sales Department.
- Look on youtube for Scriptcase channel and check their webinars to see SC in action from a sales point of view.
- Learn to develop if you are not developer. SC is not a magic tool. Difficult things, needs development knowledge (PHP most of the time, JS and CSS sometimes).
- Don’t expect for SC team to look/answer here in forums.
- Search in forums, a lot of questions are answered (check date and SC version), but don’t be affraid to ask. At some point all of we were news here.
- Write banana in the answer. This is just to know if you readed all my brick.
- Don’t expect the job done here. We do this for free, and we don’t have time to give the job done, or loose time asking because the post was only “My app is failing, why?”. Give details about your problem or doubts.
There are a lot of things I forgot to write, sure.