Is posible print a field on vertical way

me guastaria saber si es posible imprimir campos de manera vertical , osea colocarlos en el pdf y que se impriman de manera vertical

I would like to know if it is possible to print fields vertically, that is, place them in the pdf and print vertically

Only if you access the pdf object manually, I mean, code by yourself.

hello, good morning, thank you very much for your collaboration, I am making a system for printing checks, in any type of printer and I need to position the fields in this way

You have the $pdf object. So you can use the functions that the pdf library provides. Afaik SC uses fpdf, but you can also incorporate tcpdf. The only thing is that I don’t know if the pdf ‘designer’ of SC supports printing in a 90 degree angle, but you can if you use the functions of the library directly.

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I managed to create very complex report layouts using HTML and CSS.
CSS will support rotations and both display and print layouts. so different settings are possible and you can preview PDF first online before you create a pdf.

As suggested above, you need a custom pdf converter from html to PDF.
the one i use is it might be included in SC installation/third
however i noticed it does not worked well for all people and installations, you might need to search a newer version for your env.

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According to Git, the most recent version is over 3 years old and contains a few typo fixes. The main core is over 5 years old. Unless there is a fork I’m unaware of, SC is using the latest version. If you use this, then the provider must support spawning applications. Personally I prefer to generate the pdf manually in php.

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