When I put a select-Field into a Grid-View it behaves uncontrollable. See attachment!
1st Session:
there has been the first record from Session 0 (with " " between the selections), I changed it - and got a fine output of the line (but only in this session!).
then i added a record (only 1 selected) - fine output (but only in this session!)
then i added another record (2 selections) - bad output even in this session, because the values (as put into the database) are shown, not the labels (which the user selected)
2nd Session:
I just revisited the Grid-View.
Now all the data is shown in a bad way: no selections divided into lines - but (as always when you only watch the Grid-View) " " between the selections - this is not user-friendly!
I think this is a bug and I hope this will be fixed soon.