Issue with megamenu in vertical mode

Issue with megamenu item when the menu is in vertical mode and collapsed.
The megamenu item is set as “Text and Image”

This setup will disrupt the menu as soon as a megamenu item is used:
by just moving the mouse inside the megamenu area, all megamenu items text will be shown vertically next to their icons.


We performed some tests considering the scenario you mentioned, but the scenario where the text was displayed vertically was in the menu items and not in the megamenu, as shown in the image below, which already constitutes a problem.


Is this the problem you are talking about, or is there another problem besides this one?

We are waiting for more details so that we can investigate and, if necessary, add it to the problem in the image above.

Best regards!

Hi @Danilo_Lima

that’s the problem I’m talking about, exactly as shown in your image. Nothing more\different.

Thank you for your feedback.

The issue has already been reported since the previous response, and as soon as the fix is ​​released we will provide feedback here.

Best regards!


I just noticed that if the User menu is enabled and set to be located in the Main menu and it has any of its Username or Description fields filled in, the menu will always (try to) show those fields horizontally, even when the vertical menu is collapsed.
Given the small space when collapsed, the result is clearly bad.