Dear all,
I am having issues with the notifications module. When I deploy the project to production, it throws a warning about access to the notifications table and does not retrieve any notifications. The table structures are identical in both development and production.
The error message is as follows:
Invalid object name ‘dbo.noti_inbox’. [20018] (severity 16) [ SELECT dbo.noti_notifications.notif_message, dbo.noti_notifications.notif_title, dbo.noti_notifications.notif_login_sender, dbo.noti_notifications.notif_dtexpire, dbo.noti_notifications.notif_categ, dbo.noti_inbox.notif_isread, dbo.noti_inbox.notif_ontop, dbo.noti_inbox.notif_dtsent, dbo.noti_inbox.notif_tags, dbo.noti_notifications.notif_id, dbo.usuario.login, dbo.usuario.apynom, dbo.usuario.picture, dbo.noti_notifications.notif_link FROM dbo.noti_inbox INNER JOIN dbo.noti_notifications ON dbo.noti_inbox.notif_id = dbo.noti_notifications.notif_id INNER JOIN dbo.usuario ON dbo.usuario.login = dbo.noti_notifications.notif_login_sender WHERE …]
The user connecting to the database is owner.
If anyone can give me a hint about what the issue might be, I would really appreciate it in advance!
PD: The driver is MSSqlServer