Issue with ODBC Connection in Scriptcase - Athena Driver

Hello everyone,

I’m facing an issue when trying to set up an ODBC connection in Scriptcase using the Amazon Athena ODBC driver. I followed the entire Amazon documentation for installing the driver on Linux and managed to test and validate the connection through the server interface.

However, when creating the connection in Scriptcase, I receive the following error:

Connection failure.
odbc_pconnect(): SQL error: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can’t open lib ‘/opt/athena/odbc/lib/’ : file not found SQL state 01000 in SQLConnect

What I’ve tried/validated:

  • The driver file is located in /opt/athena/odbc/lib/.
  • I edited all the odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files listed both in /etc/ and within the Athena configuration folders.
  • Validated the LIBRARY_PATH variable.

Additional Information:
We have a functional ODBC connection with Redshift configured previously, but the person who set it up no longer works at the company. We tried following the same procedure used for Redshift without success.