I have deployed my application in production environment twice, one is intended to be used by users as LIVE and other as a VALIDATION environment in same physical server.
- The database connection were created to point to different servers as follow:
LIVE deployment was pointed to server DB1 (containing production data)
VALIDATION deployment was pointed to server DB2 (containing test data)
The problem is as follow:
When I run the LIVE application obviously it display data from DB1 which is fine, but if I open VALIDATION in a separate browser tab/window the shown data is still for DB1, but it should show data from DB2. To temporally fix that I have to clear browser cache (cockies, temp files, etc). If after clear cache I open VALIDATION again it will display data from DB2 which is fine, but if open LIVE in other tab/window it will display data from DB2 also.
I have tried with Chrome and IE with same results.
Seems like both applications are taking database connection from some cached data.
Your help will be very appreciated.