Latest SC Version

Please can anyone who has a mission critical app (i.e. in use by customers) that has been migrated to 8.1.057 say how the experience has been? I hope there have been no issues?

I’m still on 8.1.044. I do take all the precautions before migration so well captured by Giu and others on this forum. However I’m still careful to upgrade because all code changes to the app in the latest version will be lost if you have to fall back to the backup of the old version. Not very nice.

Good question… !! Upgrading here takes making complete backups of the entire scriptcase dir knowing that that is the ONLY proper way to make backups… (In admin mode under windows).

So are you on 8.1.057? Are all your old apps working perfectly fine?

Not yet, we tend to test first and move then. that’s why we don’t follow each and every update.

Lol…yes Albert…I was hoping to piggyback on someone that had taken the leap.

hahaha guys all versions have surprises, not only latest versions, i tend to upgrade all the time but ususally i notice the issues weeks later, like I’m now, 2 issues today i hope that is not a bug grrerrrrrr