LDAP Security Model and LDAP Groups config

Using: ScriptCase 9.2.008, Windows Server 2012R2

I’m trying to configure my application to use LDAP using an LDAP Group. I have LDAP working and authenticating. The issue is that when I point the DN to the group and synchronize users, I get nothing. When I use the DN dc=domainname,dc=local I get all the users in the entire domain. I found this old post but I still cannot get it to work. I think this refers to the sc_ldap_search() function.


I see that the “sec_sync_users” security application uses the below to get the users.

$arr_ldap = sc_ldap_users(‘all’, array(‘mail’, ‘displayname’, ‘cn’, ‘givenname’, ‘samaccountname’, ‘userprincipalname’, ‘uid’));

Does anyone know what other options that can be used in place of ‘all’ or any information about how sc_ldap_users() work? I am assuming this can be a valid filter, but I never seen a filter with just ‘all’.

Any help will be appreciated.

Hi, I have the same issue. I created the ldap connection and I can login correctly, so the parameters look fine.

The problem is when I try to sync all the users… with the default code:

$arr_ldap = sc_ldap_users(‘all’, array(‘mail’, ‘displayname’, ‘cn’, ‘givenname’, ‘samaccountname’, ‘userprincipalname’, ‘uid’));

I get this error: image

If I change the ‘all’ parameter to this one: ‘OU=13#Users_plant’ , I get this diferent error:

It seems that the paremeter is correct, but it is not getting anything… is it possible? Is there any documentation or any example to check where am I wrong?

Thanks in advance.