​Link in devel works, but in production an error appear


I has a grid, with a sql with inner join (MYSQL) in devel enviorement, When I create a link from this to form app, this works without problems, but when I deploy the app…this fail with these message:

“Error to insert:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘’ at line 1”

In my devel enviorement this link is working (I use linux with netmake installation) and I dont know why happen this…

My produccion server its the same fisical server but with apache (same database with mysql)

I set UTF8 in all my options (database, database connection and app languaje)…i try use mysql_pdo, mysql_transactions…and nothing…

I clear my cache, delete all producction files and my dir of applications on devel server,…I dont know what is the problem…

Can you help me?? Anything more to do?? May be something to configure in my Apache+PHP production enviorement??..Libreries Updates??


First, write on bugs subforum when you are sure its a bug.second, can you explain how you did the deployment?

Sorry and thanks for answer,

To deployment I use zip and use directly to folder on my server…in both case is the same error. …My server Its a ubuntu 14.04 with apache and php.

I delete all folder and deploy again…later I change mod to 777 and later I change owner to www-data who is the user of apache.

After this reconfigure connections, charset, time zone. After that, close my navigator and flush his cache.


I found the problem,

We use bit(1) in MySQL to store 0 or 1. In development enviorment, scriptcase configure this as integer. In development mode, has no problem show the data, but in production, this diference breake the link to another table (That shows bit() data too) .

I change all bit to tinyInteger in database and now all is working…but the problem was presented after an upgrade, for that I still thinking that is a bug.
