Linux .sh checksum error

Downloaded the linux version, have to install it on an outdated server…php5.2-3 thing going on… get up to date people.

The file has a checksum error. I tried different ways of downloading and on three different servers. Can you fix this so I can test this before I purchase or move on?

When are you going to support php 5.3 in development environment?

EDIT/ Nevermind, I got it.

Re: Linux .sh checksum error


I’m glad you solved it. We are going to support php 5.3 on our next release, ScriptCase 6, which should be out within a few days.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: Linux .sh checksum error

I installed the sh linux version and it is running however, it is not connecting to my MySql database. I had mysql working with apache and php before, uninstalled them and I can connect with the user and pass via cli but scriptcase connection won’t connect. Am I missing something?

Re: Linux .sh checksum error


Is your MySQL running properly? Could you try accessing it using any Client?

Make sure that you have MySQL extension enabled on your PHP.ini (Go to Help --> Web Help --> Connecting your Database --> MySQL).

In addition, are you logging in as root? Is there any password set to the user you are trying to create the connection? How are you setting up “Server/Host (Name or IP)”?

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: Linux .sh checksum error

As I stated in the post everything was working before. And I do connect with mysql client with password.

I can login via cli with root and pass. I loaded your package. You don’t have mysql extensions in there?

Re: Linux .sh checksum error

Just checked the web help. You telling me you supplied the php without mysql compiled?

Re: Linux .sh checksum error


I’m not saying that. What I meant was that perhaps your MySQL extension is not enabled on your php.ini file. Access http://yourServer:port/scriptcaseFolder/diagnosis.php and see if your MySQL connection is working.

are you logging in as root? Is there any password set to the user you are trying to create the connection? How are you setting up “Server/Host (Name or IP)”?

If you have ScriptCase and MySQL running on the same server, try setting up your Server/Host as Oh and, when you try to set a connection with mySQL, does any error show up?

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: Linux .sh checksum error

works with

I don’t have a good feeling about this. Where is your restart for the httpd.

I am going to fix the localhost issue. ITs in the hosts fiole, don’t know why I had no issue with this as this was a prod server for two years. And now when I load your apache, dist, it suddenly stops working.

Re: Linux .sh checksum error

I found it. Now it is working like it is suppose to.

Why don’t you release documents that explain what you break when you move things around, so we don’t have to spend time fixing them.

I mean, release a trial, but release a document with it that explains things that is out of the ordinary. JEEZ!

Re: Linux .sh checksum error


That happens because our installer uses Zend Server. If you install Zend Server you will also need to set as Server/Host.

Bernhard Bernsmann