Load data local infile error importing to mysql

I am having error while using load data local infile on button…
–here’s the code
sc_exec_sql(“load data local infile ‘/PATH/IMPORT/FILE’ into table TABLETOIMPORT fields terminated by ’ ’ lines terminated by ’

this script returns:

Error while accessing the database:
The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version

but it works fine when i execute this same script on mysql on server(Ubuntu server)

load data local infile ‘/PATH/IMPORT/FILE’ into table TABLETOIMPORT fields terminated by ’ ’ lines terminated by ’

How to solve this problem??


The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version


Your have local another version of mysql than on the ubuntu server?

Hi, I’m using Ubuntu Server . here’s the info

Ubuntu Server 13.04
php 5.4.9-4ubuntu2.2 (cli)
zend engine v2.4.0
mysql version 14.14 Distrib 5.5.31