Loading of Data for Nested Grids

I am using a list of customers (around 160 records) and would like to list their transaction history in a nested grid.

The transaction history I require is for a period of 24 months and considering I am just listing 12 customers at a time the initial loading time is quite long.

Is there any way to “query” the contents of the nested grid only when the + expand button is pressed?


I’m afraid not… SC Query’s everything, just check your pagination settings for the Grid… if you set it to partial it might work a bit faster.



I’m afraid not… SC Query’s everything, just check your pagination settings for the Grid… if you set it to partial it might work a bit faster.


How I wish Netmake would give this the option of lazy loading the grid when the row is expanded. That should not be too difficult should it.

No Idea to be honest, but yeha that might improve the performance of highly transactional applications.
