Localization for Slovenia

I wanted to write simple test application for Slovenian market. I use MSSQL database with collation Slovenian_CI_AS. I prepare demo app for English and Czech localization, because there is no Slovenian localization.

Is there any way to make my own Slovenian translation of application? I could translate Czech, but Czech will stay in language selection. I would like to have Slovenian.

There is also mess with collation in database and screen display. For scaron characters I get code instead of that characters. e.g. “ŠKODA Forman pickup” instead of ?KODA …

Localization has vital meaning in decision to go further with SC5. Do you have any suggestion how to handle that?

Thx, Miran

Re: Localization for Slovenia

Hello sir,

You can send an email to suggest this, in Scriptcase open your project, in Tools->Locales->Languages,

You can send to locales@scriptcase.net or sales@scriptcase.net


Re: Localization for Slovenia

If that is really urgent then we can send you a file for translation, you translate to your language and integrate it for you locally in your machine. I can provide you with a time estimate for our part of this task (days), the advantages and caveats by e-mail. Just copy any message about this subject to sales@scriptcase.net or any new request. But I need you to make clear to me that you want a localization for SC generated applications (versus the SC interface).
Regarding the erros with localization please open a ticket with some screenshot examples.
Thank you (sales team)

Re: Localization for Slovenia

No it is not urgent at this moment. What I want to know is, if I could develop app for Slovenian market. Ohterwise there is no sense to buy CS5. I need localization for end users that is for generated app.

Thanx, Miran

Re: Localization for Slovenia

get in contact with support or locales@scriptcase.net to know how to create your own localization. After you finish, if you could, send us the file so we can put inside ScriptCase :slight_smile: