I’m looking for someone to provide some development work on a project that I’ve already got to late beta stage.
This has been developed with MySQL / SC and is a staff scheduling / employment platform.
It is currently running successfully, but I’m aware I need resources to address issues such as:
- google map integration
- geolocation
- timesheets and payment calculations
- integration with Mandrill
- google calendar integration
- improved security
- interface polishing
and a whole host of things I’m struggling to find time to address.
I need someone fluent in English and with a solid working knowledge of SC and these sorts of issues. This would be on a consultancy/self - employed basis.
A good knowledge of how to set up SC to work remotely across a joint, live project would also be handy because you’ll be working from home (unless you like in Sussex UK!)
Please get in touch: neil@dutydoctor.co.uk or reply to this post.