lookup field sort order

Please provide some details when this issue will be fixed OR let me know you’re not going to fix the sort orders of lookup fields.
It has been more than three years that I have asked for help!


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For your reports, you must use a join with the table for the foreign field to show the description. Do not use field type select since scriptcase will order only by code.

Alvagar, Thank You for the ‘join table’ for the grid/list/report style of display.

I’m sure you are aware, but for anyone else reading this thread for help/suggestions, grid/list/report type of application does not have the data field type “select” available for an option.

For the GRID application the ‘join table’ is an excelent solution for the ‘sort’ issue. Thanks again Alvagar!

Now if someone can come up with a solution for the “sort order” issue for the ‘form applications’.