lost passwords to development SC

I have inherited an app created using SC v8.1. I have the user and passwords for the application login but do not have any passwords for the SC development. The developer does not remember the passwords. When I click on “Forgot your password?” with the username of admin, I get the error message “The login informed doesnt have the email registered in the system”.

How can I reset the password for admin?

Go to the server where it scriptcase runs. Grab sqlitestudio or sqliteexpert personal. Install it on the server.
Find nm_scriptcase.db in c:\Program Files\NetMake\v9\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\conf\scriptcase\ open nm_scriptcase.db with your sqlite tool.
Find the table sc_tbusu and enter the new email in the Email column.
Then save the record and try to send the lost email again…