MACRO sc_apl_conf() NOT WORKING

Calling FORM from the menu. In the onScriptInit I have put this code

sc_apl_conf("fm_g_systemsettings", "update", "on"); 

but when I Save the form my entries are lost (not saved).
It is not the first time I’m having issues with this macro. Don’t know what’s causing it but there are some glitches and unless I’m doning osmething wrong there is an issue or bug.

OK I discovered some issues after some testing. first when I remove Previous/Next from the toolbar the form stops SAVING data. This would be basically interpreted as BUG, but I think there is more to it. The macros mentioned initially in some situations work and in some don’t. I could not yet grasp the pattern. If is very hard to debug anything without and help from company or tool. I have asked several times if there are any variables to test if the form is opened in INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE mode ? Still go not answer although such testing should be possible and there must be some kind of values to determine this since the macro was created for that purpose.

I would appreciate if somebody can test this form (opened from Menu without Prev/.Next buttons).

I have this simple code to test against config record and then based on that open the configuration form in either INSERT or EDIT mode.

// Selection for CONFIG
if ({sc_menu_item} == "item_50")
    $query1 = ("SELECT UID, companyname FROM g_systemsettings WHERE UID=1");
    sc_lookup(rs, $query1);
    if (isset({rs[0][0]}))
        sc_apl_conf ("fm_g_systemsettings", "insert", "off");
        sc_apl_conf ("fm_g_systemsettings", "delete", "off");
        sc_apl_conf ("fm_g_systemsettings", "update", "on");
        sc_apl_conf ("fm_g_systemsettings", "update", "off");
        sc_apl_conf ("fm_g_systemsettings", "delete", "off");
        sc_apl_conf ("fm_g_systemsettings", "insert", "on");
        sc_apl_conf ("fm_g_systemsettings", "start", "new");

although for some reason it is not working as expected. Form opens in Edit mode but the Insert(Add) button is visible etc. I can’t figure out why it is not working. The code is placed in onExecute event. I wanted to set some global Var’s then read them in config form, but this isn’t working as well (seems like any globals set in Menu are ignored). I would appreciate your comments - if I’m doing something wrong here…

Thank you