Macro sc_connection_edit bug when used in grid onRecord event

I have been using sc_connection_edit very successfully to change database at login time, once changed it is noticed by all other applications, and works perfectly.

However, when using sc_connection_edit in a grid’s onRecord event, the connection does not change.
I believe that the connection is only being opened at application init time.
When the sc_connection_edit macro is executed, it should set a flag in the appropriate database object so that the next database access forces a reconnect.

To reproduce:

Import project from

Create the database using SQL:


I have updated the sample project to include two grids, one to demonstrate the bug and one to demonstrate my workaround.

The new project is at

It uses the same database link in my previous post.



Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Has anyone been able to reproduce?


So I guess I should not waste my time creating apps to demonstrate a bug, if nobody at NetMake is willing to take the time to look.

Hello, is anyone there?

Hello Dave,

I will verify the current bug status with our team.

Bernhard Bernsmann


Any response? This is a genuine bug, and my demo project shows how to fix it. I am doing NetMake’s work for them. They could at least take the time to look at it.
It has been almost 2 months since I gave this information. Many new releases, none repairing this problem.



Any response? This is a genuine bug, and my demo project shows how to fix it. I am doing NetMake’s work for them. They could at least take the time to look at it.
It has been almost 2 months since I gave this information. Many new releases, none repairing this problem.


In addition to that, please inform about the status of our reported bug (university) too as we have sent sample application(s).

[QUOTE=bartho;30386]Hello Dave,

I will verify the current bug status with our team.

Bernhard Bernsmann[/QUOTE]


It has been two months since I reported this and almost a month since you told me you would check the status.

Can I get the courtesy of a meaningful reply?


Still waiting…

Just curious. Don’t understand why you need a connection edit on record

Did you look at the sample project I uploaded?


No sorry…I will try to check later. Im out of my PC some days

[QUOTE=bartho;30386]Hello Dave,

I will verify the current bug status with our team.

Bernhard Bernsmann[/QUOTE]


It has now been more than 3 months since I reported this bug and provided a project showing the fix.
It has been more than two months since you said you would verify the bug status.
I have gotten no response at all.

Please respond to my questions:

  1. Did anyone try to reproduce the problem?

  2. Is the problem scheduled to be worked on?

  3. When can we expect a fix?

Ignoring the problem, and ignoring the repeated requests for status will not make this go away.

I provided an example fix that would probably only take 5 minutes to make.

Handling bug reports in this manner is exactly what angers and frustrates customers.

Read this thread entirely and then try to tell me that NetMake is not undependable and unreliable?


More weeks have passed with no response.


Five months since I submitted the sample project to reproduce this bug.

Not a single reply from NetMake.

Read this entire thread, and please explain why I should not be upset?


weekly monday bump

weekly bump again

I will contact the responsible department to correct this problem soon.