macro sc_redir for type modal do not work

hi, i have form master - detail, and i create a button type php in master and i need call a form type grid view in mode modal. I have trying much ways but it do not works.

This is my macro:

sc_redir(“form_pagos_ventas_detail”, v_neg_cdgo= {neg_cdgo}; v_suc_cdgo= {suc_cdgo}; v_tdo_cdgo= ‘VEN’; v_num_mvmnto= {ven_cdgo}, “modal”);


"This open in other redirection but is not modal,
sc_redir(“form_pagos_ventas_detail”, v_neg_cdgo= {neg_cdgo}; v_suc_cdgo= {suc_cdgo}; v_tdo_cdgo= ‘VEN’; v_num_mvmnto= {ven_cdgo}, “_modal”);

Wich is way correct for do it?

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Instead of using sc_redir have you tried to use Header(Location…)?

Bernhard Bernsmann

how to open form/grid in modal view using Header(Location…)?? Can please explain more?

How I solve this issue … to open the form “form_leaves_sub” with the sam employeeNo
thanks in advance