Question is simple: can I or can’t I use scriptcase macro’s while working on my own library. If so, why are the default macro’s not shown and do I only have a blanc form? I need to do database access and it’s the most convenient if I can do that in the same consistant way as SC does itself.
If I use macro’s I get the message:
This library contains codes out of the functions that will only be processed through the sc_include macro.
but what does that mean? Is it an errormessage, do I have to use the sc_include …
If I do so then I get an errormessage:
Fatal error: Non-abstract method ad_form_case_apl::startcase() must contain body in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v6\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\RugMutPers\ad_form_case\ad_form_case_apl.php on line 4360
with this library function:
// start workflow case
function startcase($emplid, $flowid);
// Insert record
$insert_sql = ‘INSERT INTO MUTF_CASE (case_id, startdate, emplid, flowid, case_status, case_flowstep) values’
. ’ (seq_mutf_case, to_char (SYSDATE, “MM-DD-YYYY HH:MI:SS”), “’.$emplid.’”,"’.$flowid.’", “O”, 0)’;
called in the onvalidate: