Mail Link for multiple Records

when i click on the “email” button in a record, my outlook opens to send the user an email (

But how can i do this in a grid?

I want display a clickable link which contains every e-Mail Adresses in the grid, separated by “;”. In the “onRecord” Event i can make a variable which contains the correct text like “;…”

But how can i show this link in the grid, so i can click on it?

Thank’s for any idea.

Best regards

Afaik, if you make the field of type email then a link will be generated. Other option is to apply an email button and apply a link to a blank application or control to perform the email.

OR …
Step 1. Create the PHP method (aka function) to send the mail
Step 2. Call that function from the appropriate event (this is called from OnAfterInsert)

PHP Method:
$sql = “SELECT
group_id = 1” ; //Administator only


$emails_admin = array();
if({rs} !== FALSE && count({rs}) != 0)
foreach({rs} as $value)
$emails_admin[] = $value[0];
//2014-0826:bh Changed implode to use semi-colon rather than comma
//To correct error RFC 2822 compliance
$emails_admin = implode(’; ', $emails_admin);

// 2015-0814:bh Modified to get smtp settings from table (was hard coded)
// Get SMTP Settings
sc_lookup(dataset, “select smtp_host, smtp_user, smtp_pass, smtp_email, smtp_port from smtp_settings where active = ‘Y’”);

if ({dataset} === false)
echo “Access error. Message=”. {dataset_erro} ;
elseif (empty({dataset}))
echo “Select command didn’t return data”;
// Email parameters
$mail_smtp_server = {dataset[0][0]}; // SMTP server name or IP address
$mail_smtp_user = {dataset[0][1]}; // SMTP user name
$mail_smtp_pass = {dataset[0][2]}; // SMTP password
$mail_from = {dataset[0][3]}; // From email
$mail_port = {dataset[0][4]}; // SMTP port
$mail_to = $emails_admin ; // Mail to administrators

$mail_message = sprintf({lang_new_user_sign_in}, {name}, {email}, {email});
$mail_subject = {lang_subject_mail_new_user};
$mail_format = ‘H’; // Message format: (T)ext or (H)tml

// Send email
‘’,’’, $mail_port, ‘’);

thank’s… i think the answer from Albert help me. I’m not want to send an email with scriptcase. I only want a button like in the single record form: If you press, mailapplication opens and you can write the e-Mail. But as i say: for every user in the grid together. Like:";;"

Best regards

@stephanw Hi Steve, I was wanting to do the exact same thing that you described. Be able to select multiple e-mail addresses from a table and use the “mailto” function to send those e-mail addresses to outlook or other service. Did you ever figure out how to do this?