Master/Detail not working

I’m trying to run Master/Detail example in SC8. The App opens but when I try to use NEXT button at the top the app goes into the look or is doing something but not showing up next record. Can anybody confirm - is it only me or is it a bug ?




Could you point me which sample is this?


[QUOTE=aka;28332]I’m trying to run Master/Detail example in SC8. The App opens but when I try to use NEXT button at the top the app goes into the look or is doing something but not showing up next record. Can anybody confirm - is it only me or is it a bug ?


You still have this problem? If yes, I wonder how this master and detail has been created and what type of application you use (form type). Thank you and I await your return.

Hello aka,

Can you update this topic? I need only your informations about your problem.

Remember: Update your ScriptCase and perform a test.

Thnk you!