Master / Detail - Update Detail (Grid editable wiew) when select a fiel in Master

Hi, I made a master form to enter or edit the record of a table (quite simple though). I’ve added a detail form wich is a grid view of the same table.

This table store consultations of patients and is used by several people of my team, a patient can have multiple consultations with different details.

In the master form I’ve managed to store a local var wich is the patient ID with an AJAX event (onclick/update), and I’ve modified the Select of the detail grid view to show only the consultation of the patient with the ID.

It work well on load, but not after that. The detail grid view won’t update. For example, I run the application, clic on “add” (a consultation), everything is blank. I first enter the name/ID of a patient, and then I would like to see the grid view with all the previous consultations before adding any other information about this consultation. But nothing appear, not even an error message. I can enter all the other values and create this new entry tough.

I’ve tried some Ajax event I found on the forum with no success (sc_reload_md(name of the detail form), sc_reload_masterdetail(name of the detail form).

Does someone have an idea of to refresh ? Many the whole application after selcting the patient ?

Has you some export of your forms and datbase to see on a test enviroment? It’s dificult to see the problem as is. Don’t understand at all the ID AJAX onclick updating detail form :confused:

It just cannot work that way because when you click Add you create an empty record and it needs to be saved to the db before you can search anything for it.
What you need to do is to search for patient first, your detail will be updated and then you can click Add (if necessary).


Have you looked through the SC videos on their site? A few show master / detail set ups and how the master / detail is linked and updates etc?